Our D&I research comprises studies on sociolinguistic and psychological aspects of diversity & inclusion. We are currently engaged in three main research projects (cf. below) that investigate prejudice & discrimination from multiple perspectives. If you have a research question in mind or another idea that keeps you awake at night, please feel free to get in touch! We are constantly looking for investigative clients & cooperation partners.
methods: CV testing, sentiment analysis, IATs, questionnaires, focus groups, and many more... |
Women in Science (AcadeMiUM)
Muslim, Maghrebian Mothers at Work (MUMaW) Sexual Prejudice across Cultures (SPeaC) |
Fronhofer, N.-M. & Jeanne, M. (2024) "Diagnostic et gestion des biais en contexte: une analyse des sentiments." Management des Technologies Organisationnelles. Colloque M'2023, Évaluation(s), du concept aux objects. IMT Mines d'Alès.
Fronhofer, N.-M. (2023) "So angry or slightly irritated of sorts? - ANGER events in British English and German." In: Ströbel, L. (ed.) Contextual and Crosslinguistic Facets of Emotion Concepts. Munich: AVM. edition. Fronhofer, N.-M. (2023) "Le travail, c'est la santé?" In: Rapport sur les LGBTIphobies 2023. SOS homophobie, Paris, mai 2023. pp. 134-139. Fronhofer, N.-M., Herbert, C., Durand, V., Alvergne, A., Raymond, M. and Barkat-Defradas, M. (2022) "Fear and cultural background drive sexual prejudice in France – a sentiment analysis approach". Open Psychology, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-26. Fronhofer, N.-M. (2020) Emotion Concepts in Context – A Contrastive Analysis of English and German Discourse. PhD- dissertation, University of Augsburg (UNA), Germany. Fronhofer, N.-M. (2019) "My ANGER was justified surely? Epistemic markers in British English and German Emotion Events." In: Emotion Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. Fronhofer, N.-M. (2018) “Are you probably a bit jealous? Concepts d’émotion et leurs indices contextuels.” Poster presented at 2ème Colloque Langage et éMOTion, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, Montpellier, France. Fronhofer, N.-M. (2015) “Nearly a bit angry or just so happy? – Intensifiers as contextualization cues. Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée, numéro spécial, t. 2, été 2015, 29-49. Fronhofer, N.-M. (2015) "Growing up. Affektiv-kreative Textarbeit zur Förderung emotionaler Intelligenz." In: Praxis FSU Englisch, 3. |